
Monday, March 23, 2015

UPDATE 3/23/2015

     I'm still here! Yes, I know on my last update I said I would post more, but obviously I didn't. I got a few more requests and they're starting to stack. I just want to say thank you for everyone that requests! Of course with all these people requesting I won't be able to accept all requests. Also, I won't do all just dance, all anime, and all video games. I need to balance it. I also want to do things that I want to do as well. I need to find some balance.

     I've been busy at school so please understand. Even if you don't, well that's too bad I guess. But don't think I'm done posting! I'm updating the request list so if you requested something maybe I put it on the list! I got tons of Just Dance requests but will NOT be doing all of them. I know not everyone on the page cares about Just Dance so I want to cater to all audiences. Thanks for reading this whole thing unless you skipped lol (I know it's kind long but I just had a lot to say!)