
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

#16~ Aquarion Evol- Amata Sorata

In the last post, we had Mikono's dress. But this time, we have one of the people she doesn't even know if she loves him or not, let's have a big round of applause for Amata Sora!!! This is the jacket he wears. If you are wondering "Are those pants the kung fu pants, and are those the black rainboots?" Then congratulations reader, because that is indeed what I am wearing for this outfit. I explained a small summary of the anime Aquarion Evol in my last post, so read it if you're interested. Hopefully you read all the text, and don't worry about spoilers because that's what I did my best not to include! Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pants: Any "jean" looking pants (e.g. dry denim pants)
Shoes: Black rain boots