
Thursday, August 15, 2013

#25~ Sket Dance- Switch (Kazuyoshi Usui)

 Here we have one of my favorite characters, Switch! He has a very twisted backstory which explains why he uses a computer to talk and refuses to talk with his own voice. (Small Spoiler) There has even been times when he couldn't use his computer so instead of actually talking, he used a notebook (End of spoiler). If you haven't watched Sket Dance, I recommend watching it. The title may say dance in it, but it doesn't really have anything to do with it, and you should keep in mind that it just translates something in Japanese, and the history of the title is very complex and confusing, so you should just watch the anime so you'll understand it more. Why not watch it? It has about every genre in it (obviously not ALL of them) and I'm glad to those who actually bothers to read these.... Thank you!
Even if you don't appeal to this design, at least you read what I'm typing so I know at least somebody cares about what I'm typing! Ok, thanks for reading and visiting the site, and if you want to visit my town, the dream address is in the "about me" section somewhere on this blog (since it's different for the phone and computer).

Accessory: Think Glasses
Pants: Any "jean" looking pants (e.g. dry denim pants)
Shoes: Any black pants (e.g. Black loafers)