
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

#27~ Gravitation- Seguchi Tohma

We're finally back, my 3ds all fixed, and ready to go! Sadly I lost all my streetpass data :((
but, we back! Today, we have a request (my first, which was inconveniently sent when my 3ds was broken) and it's from the anime Gravitation. He said he wanted a green and purple tux that Seguchi Tohma wears, so hopefully this is what you asked for. The main characters will be release eventually with a stack of other things I said would. Stay tuned, 'cause we're back and ready to rrruuummmbblleee!!!!!!!! lol jk to design for animal crossing :V

Pants: Kung-Fu Pants/ Kappa Pants
Shoes: Any black shoes (e.g. Black Loafers)