
Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Hello! It's summer break for me now, so expect more designs! I need to get rid of these requests, they keep piling up. Sorry if I don't accept your request, some of them are just not worth doing, or doesn't fit the kind of designs I normally do. THE REASON THIS UPDATE IS IMPORTANT IS BECAUSE: I am leaving on Saturday for a week so don't expect any updates on the website what so ever during that week. Also, there may be a chance of family emergency during the next few months, and I won't update it then. I might make another update saying it's happening, so please keep these in mind. Apologies for the lack of completing requests. I'm a very busy person, and I haven't gotten the chance to play AC like I used to. Thank you for those who read these updates regardless if it says please read or not. Summer is almost as busy as school for me, hopefully you understand! If not, than too bad!