
Thursday, November 26, 2015

#183~ Cooking Mama- Mama's Apron

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! To fit the mood, I chose someone that cooks a lot, and I instantly thought of mama! Although she's famous for cooking, she also gardens, babysits, and even does crafts! I know the hat should be pink, but the do-rag is perfect, I decided you can customize her anyway. I did my best to replicate her kitchen, I used the wall from the second game, and I don't remember where I got the floor from, but it's there! In the pot, she's cooking borscht with pepper and... a pear? IDK what goes into borscht (shamefully googles it). OH so beetroot is the main ingredient, interesting. I could've at least put a rare mushroom next to it since it looks close to a potato. Well enjoy your thanksgiving! *insert sappy things here*

Hat: Do-rag
Socks: Black Stockings (Replicates her jeans, if only there were blue stockings)
Shoes: White Patent Shoes