
Sunday, November 29, 2015

#187~ Working!!- Wagnaria Chef Apron

Here we have the chef uniform for the anime Working!!. This can be worn to cosplay as Sato or Soma. It's a simple design but I hope you like it!

Socks: White Stockings
Shoe: White Leather Shoes

#186~ Steven Universe- Sadie's Dress (and Steven's)

Here we have Sadie's Dress from the episode "Sadie's Song". In this episode she's going to sing for the beach-a-pallooza (might've spelled that wrong) but everything goes upside-down when her mother hears her plans.

Shoes: White Patent Shoes

We also have Steven's version when he wears it! The only difference really is that he has his gem on his belly.

Friday, November 27, 2015

#185~ Full Metal Alchemist- Roy Mustang

He we have the fire staring Roy Mustang! This uniform doesn't necessarily have to be for him, but I made it mostly to be for him. I tried to replicate his desk and just made up the rest of his office. I just made my own window for the wall, and the floor was just dark green. Hope you like the design!

Socks: Black Stockings
Shoes: Steel Toed Boots/ Black Rain Boots

#184~ Mother/ Earthbound Series- Poo

So here we have Poo from the Mother/ Earthbound Series. Poo is a prince and is the one that actually learns PK Starstorm (and NOT Ness). For this design, I wanted to make the pants white shorts, but that DOESN'T EXIST IN THE GAME. Luckily Animal Crossing has this pigtail for some reason but that's why I made this so hope you like it! For the background I did a mountainous sort of theme. I wanted to do his thrown room but I don't have a throne!

Hat: Pigtail
Pants: White Formal Pants
Socks: White Stockings
Shoes: Black Pumps

Thursday, November 26, 2015

#183~ Cooking Mama- Mama's Apron

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! To fit the mood, I chose someone that cooks a lot, and I instantly thought of mama! Although she's famous for cooking, she also gardens, babysits, and even does crafts! I know the hat should be pink, but the do-rag is perfect, I decided you can customize her anyway. I did my best to replicate her kitchen, I used the wall from the second game, and I don't remember where I got the floor from, but it's there! In the pot, she's cooking borscht with pepper and... a pear? IDK what goes into borscht (shamefully googles it). OH so beetroot is the main ingredient, interesting. I could've at least put a rare mushroom next to it since it looks close to a potato. Well enjoy your thanksgiving! *insert sappy things here*

Hat: Do-rag
Socks: Black Stockings (Replicates her jeans, if only there were blue stockings)
Shoes: White Patent Shoes 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

#182~ Undertale- Chara

Ok, so on my last post (#181- Frisk) I said I didn't want to give any spoilers... I'll stay true to that here... This means I can't really explain much about this character or the background inspiration... Nothing! All I can really say is when you play the game, play a genocide run and you'll see what all of this means (kill every enemy you verse). Hope you enjoy the design! 

Pants: Western Pants (Any dark brown pants)
Shoes: Hero's Boots (These are the best choice IMO)

#181~ Undertale- Frisk

So I hope that everyone has had the opportunity to play (or watch let's plays of this game like I did) because this game is AMAZING. No words can describe it, its probably one of the most complex games out there with hidden details everywhere. It's basically a modern day Earthbound/ Mother game. This is the main character that you play throughout the game and I don't want to give any spoilers. Hope you like it! And play the game/ watch the game! I know I really want to buy it and play it myself!

Pants: Gray Sweatpants
Shoes: Brown Loafers

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

#180~ Steven Universe- Big Donut Designs

     Since I didn't have time to create any new designs today, I decided I'd share my designs for the Big Donut pictures that I did for post #179 (The Big Donut Uniforms). I really loved how these turned out and they look amazing for a background. 

     Now for this design, I used it to replicate the drink section of the store. The reason I made a design rather than an actual soda case was because I wanted the illusion that it was part of the wall. This design can be very versatile since it can be used as a normal wall and can look like a department store. It's up to your imagination! Hope you like them!